How to Make Coconut Milk and Honey Moisturizing Hair Mask for Dry Hair at Home
Hello, my dear readers, I got this idea at home while in the kitchen making curry chicken and decided to try it out at the end of the week for my weekly haircare routine. I decided to use natural honey and coconut milk left over in the kitchen to make hair mask. The results were amazing! So I decided to write this post, this recipe can be moisturizing especially for dry hair. How to make coconut milk and honey moisturizing hair mask for dry hair at home. Let's get started!

Including hair masks in your haircare routine by weekly or bi-weekly basis can help nourish your hair. If you have dry, processed or damaged hair, hair mask can help to revitalize and repair damage caused by heat treatments or chemical perms, relaxers and colorant treatments that weaken hair strands over time.
This coconut and honey hair mask has numerous benefits for your hair. The following is a list of things that it can do for your hair
Moisturize your hair
Repair heat damage on hair strands
Seal open hair cuticles
Reduce hair breakage
Restore hydration to hair strands
If you get to use this hair mask, you are likely to see positive changes and within 4 to 6 weeks your won't shed as much, hair breakage will be less, your hair won't be mushy and gummy any longer. It will restore hair shine and luster. If you like to have beautiful lustrous and silky locks coconut and honey hair mask is a way to go! This recipe is going to do amazing thing for your hair can't wait for good results!
Unsweetened coconut milk: Coconut milk can be very beneficial for your hair. When used regularly your hair can feel moisturized, nourished and retain silky and lustrous hair. Strengthen your hair follicles because coconut milk has got lots of essential fatty acids and vitamins that can revitalize your hair.
Natural honey: Apart from having self preserving properties, natural honey is a very good humectant. Therefore it can be a good remedy to prevent hair breakage, improve hair and scalp health, soften your hair as fighting hair frizz.
Vitamin E oil: Vitamin E oil is good at fighting off oxidative stress on hair caused by free radicals from pollution and UV sunrays that can harm your hair. Using vitamin E oil can also promote hair growth and hair length retention.
Rosemary essential oil: This is a natural option of minoxidil, a drug that can promote hair growth. Rosemary essential oil can promote hair growth and make stronger hair follicles, so this a good option to add in our recipe.
¾ cup of unsweetened coconut milk
3 tablespoons of natural honey
1 teaspoon of vitamin E oil
20 drops of rosemary essential oil(optional)
I always suggest that you gather your ingredients and tools before starting making your recipe. Get a saucepan with a lid, measuring spoons, your own designated bottle or a cool Mason jar, a kitchen thermometer and a strainer just in case.

Start making your recipe by gathering your ingredients: unsweetened coconut milk, natural honey, vitamin E oil and rosemary essential oil.
Place your saucepan over a stove top and pour unsweetened coconut milk, add natural honey then cover it with a lid tightly.
If you don't have rosemary essential oil, then replace it with fresh rosemary leaves. Just finely chop your fresh rosemary leaves and toss it in the saucepan. Skip this step if you have rosemary essential oil or if you would like to reap more benefits then include them in your recipe.
Simmer your mixture over low heat for like 20 to 25 minutes, stir after every few minute so that you won't scorch your mixture.
Remove the spend rosemary leaves using a strainer from the mixture and store your liquid in a Mason jar or any designated bottle of your choice.
Add vitamin E oil and rosemary essential oil drop by drop and stir well uniformly.
Allow you mixture to cool to room temperature.
Your hair mask is ready! Store your hair mask in refrigerator an use it within 2 weeks.
Wash and shampoo your hair as usual. Towel-dry it.
Then apply and massage your hair mask and comb through your hair.
Wear your shower cap and let the mask sit in your hair for 30 minutes to one hour.
Rinse your hair with warm water, blow dry or towel-dry your hair.
Apply your leave-in conditioner, hair lotion, hair serum or hair oil and style as usual.
About me
Hello, my dear gorgeous! Welcome to my blog and learn with me as you walk in your skincare journey. I'm skincare enthusiast and a student. I like sharing my passion of beauty and skincare with the world. I like blogging, reading and binge watching YouTube vlogs and Netflix during my leisure time.