How to Make DIY Geode Bath Bombs: Step-by-step Guide for Beginners
If you already made bath bombs already you might be thinking on the ways of upping your recipe making game. Don't worry, that's what this post is all about. You can turn boring bath bomb recipe into unique one by adding salts in the middle. Learn to make DIY geode bath bombs. Step-by-step guide for beginners that can try for better bath treatments.

Bath bombs are among the beloved bath treatments likes of bath teas, milk bath and many more that can improve your skincare and self-care routines. If you have a basic knowledge of making bath bombs then this is gonna be easy-peasy for you. We got you covered for beginners by following this simple guide you'll make your own geode bath bombs.
At the end of the day you'll enjoy your hard work when 'bombs' goes off. Just a little twist here and there with the power of your imagination you can turn powders lying in your kitchen cabinet to bath treats.
Prepare and brace yourself for this rewarding recipe making. Enjoy!
Selecting Ingredients
Baking soda: Also known as sodium bicarbonate. It is mostly used baking recipes. If you like cooking then you might be having it lying around in the kitchen somewhere. Now get it and use it to make your bath bombs.

Citric acid: This powder derived from citrus fruits like lemon, lime and orange. This is what gives the bath bombs their 'fizziness'. When citric acid is mixed with baking soda they react to form the bath bombs 'explode' and go pop, pop, pop! when put in bathing water.
Dead Sea salt: It is known for soothing properties to the skin. It has lots of benefits to the wellness of the skin. Get fine to medium grained grade salts. Sometimes you might find out that you don't have this salt at home substitute it for Epsom salt or Pink salt.

Jojoba oil: Lovely for its golden color. It is good carrier oil because of its bland or neutral odor. When essential oils are added to the bath bomb base they are likely to stand out. Overall jojoba oil is very nice oil for the skin restores elasticity to the skin, moisturizes the skin and blend well with natural skin oils.

Natural food color: You can use liquid natural food color for easy mixing process. But you can also use powder colors but mix them well with the bath bomb base. You can use hibiscus powder, green matcha, cocoa powder, turmeric, beetroot powder, paprika and other ingredients you can find in your kitchen. If you add more color then expect darker shades and vice versa.
Lemon essential oil: It can help with oily skin type. It can clear pores and detox the skin plus its aromatic smell remains on your skin even after you are done having a bath. In this recipe, do not use more than 60 drops or 3ml of the essential oil. If you prefer using other essential oils, it well and good just don't exceed the 60 drops limit for your skin safety.

Vanilla extract: Lemon essential oil with vanilla extract complements each other. You can add lemon zest too in this recipe. Its something worth trying in your recipe though it won't make or break it.
That's all for the ingredients and their properties. Let's dive in, shall we?
1 cup of baking soda
half a cup of citric acid
half a cup of Dead Sea salts
2 teaspoons of jojoba oil
2 drops of natural food color or one teaspoon
60 drops of lemon essential oil
1 tablespoon of vanilla extract
You can always remove natural food color from the recipe if you don't have one. You can substitute lemon essential oil with lemon zest because they have higher similarities in properties. You can avoid essential oil route altogether if you have sensitive skin.
Don't have semi-circles molds? Just use ice cube trays it doesn't affect a thing, still your bath bombs 'cubes' will go pow!, pop, pop!

Now gather all your dry ingredients: baking soda, and Dead Sea salts combine them well in a mixing bowl.
Sprinkle jojoba oil while mixing with other dry ingredients in the mixing bowl.
Slowly add your lemon essential oil and natural food color of your choice while mixing them altogether in mixing bowl.
Now add citric acid. Slowly sprinkle your citric acid, soon you will start to notice the fizzing. Keep on stirring the ingredients to stop the ingredients from fizzing too early.
Once the ingredients can be easily clumped together to form into shape, press them into mold cavities of your choice.
Press them in them on the sides and bottom of the molds. Add add medium-grained Dead Sea salt or pink salt or other salt of your choosing.
If you didn't have lemon essential oil then its time to add lemon zest with the salts in the cavities at this step.
Cover it with more bath bomb base and press tight the bath bombs.
Lastly, allow your beautiful bath bombs to dry for 3 to 4 hours before removing them in their molds.
How to Use Bath Bombs
Fill your bathtub with lukewarm water and your small duck, pot pourri and throw two to three bath bombs to the mix. Remove your bath robe and jump in and have a relaxing soak. Play good music or just simply close your eyes and reflect on your day.
Things to Take Notice
Keep your bath bombs in an air-tight container or zipped bag in order to stop them from getting activated by moisture in the air and lose their fizziness. Don't store them in your bathroom cabinet since bathroom is likely to be moisty than other rooms in your house.
You can only use this bath bombs within 4 months. Yeah, they got short shelf life, sadly! Good news you can make them again and again in different seasons of the year. You can also customize them into your liking and mood
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Hello, my dear gorgeous! Welcome to my blog and learn with me as you walk in your skincare journey. I'm skincare enthusiast and a student. I like sharing my passion of beauty and skincare with the world. I like blogging, reading and binge watching YouTube vlogs and Netflix during my leisure time.